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You could, but it probably won't make any difference in the manner in which the other driver is going to do in the next mile or next month. Some rude drivers just don't care and nothing short of them dying in an accident will ever stop them from driving that way. There are good and bad drivers on the roads. But people seem to forget that driving is a privilege .. it is not a right.

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Q: Should you make eye contact with a aggressive driver to let them know what their behavior is unacceptable?
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See if you can find training to temper this behavior. It sounds like it is becoming a problem.

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This is absolutely rude and inconsiderate behavior. Take him aside, when the kids are not present, and tell him that this is unacceptable. It is not cute and it does not set a good example of what is courteous and respectful behavior when another person is present.

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Your dog stares you in the eyes is that normal?

Typically direct eye contact with a dog is actually an aggressive behavior, or can be interpreted that way; in general, you should not give direct eye contact to a dog that you don't know and trust. However, many dogs that are family pets will give eye contact due to training, whether indirect or direct. For instance, a dog might learn that if he stares into your eyes you are more likely to give him a treat or take him into the back yard to play, so he will use that behavior in an effort to get that perk. In that sense, the staring could simply be equivalent to begging. You have to evaluate the context and dog in this situation to decide what the dog's behavior means.

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The same type of behavior that you would not do in any Western country, you should not do in Israel such as, but not limited to: defacating on the sidewalk, pretending to shoot random people with a gun, pull pranks on people that you do not do, harass other people, mow over pedestrians when you drive, and to be genuinely disrepectful.