what you need to do is take of +terminal from batt put key in egg turn to on pois leave it for 10 min reconnect + and away you go.
1992 buick road master after you put a new battery it crank but wont start what is the problem
Car battery is run down.
it could be the starter
If it will not turn over you have an electrical problem. Start by removing the battery cables and cleaning the cables and battery posts. If that does not solve the problem, then put a charger on the battery and let it fully charge. Turn on your headlights and try to start the car. If it still will not turn over and the lights do not dim you probably have a bad starter or starter solenoid. But make sure your battery is good. If you can jump start it with another vehicle the battery is bad. It can also be a defective ignition switch.
It Wont fit in o-o
See if you can jump start it. (make sure you put the cables on right... RED TO POSITIVE!) Once the vehicle is started, drive it to an auto parts retailer in your area and have the battery and charging system checked. USUALLY, once a battery starts throwing acid... it's done.
replace battery & starter solenoid.. possibly carb.
Turn the ignition on, put your foot on the brake and just shift the auto transmission into the N position. If your battery is totally dead you will have to jump the battery from another vehicle in order to accomplish this.
Turn you battery round the right way and it might.. :)
Check Battery cables for tightness and lack of corrosion May be starter solenoid May be starter May be Neutral safety switch
disconnect the battery off for 5sec it's like a hard reset then connect and try then good luck
Could be your alternater.