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Q: My wife has judgment against her for DUI and they suspened your license what can you do about it?
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If a civil suit judgment is against the husband is the wife liable for any of the payment?

A civil suit judgment is against the person who is named in the lawsuit. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, the wife would not be liable for the payment.

Can they garnish the wife's wages for a repossession in Florida if the husband is out of work?

YES, if they get a judgment against you, garnishment is next.

What happens if husband dies and house was under his name yet wife has a longstanding judgment against her. Does plaintiff with judgment against the wife get the property or does the wife get it?

If the wife has no interest in the property, meaning that her name was never on title, then she doesn't own it. If she doesn't own it...they cannot take the property away from her. I would reccomend a title search to make sure that she was never on any deeds. Good luck.

When a judgment is awarded against a man and wife and his company and the husband files bankruptcy on the company but the wife is not a party to the bankruptcy can her wages be garnished?

If both persons were sued and a judgment awarded but only the husband filed bankruptcy and included the debt; the judgment can still be executed against any non-exempt property belonging to the wife and perhaps jointly owned property as well. The legal presumption is that the debt is still owed because it was jointly incurred.

How much is bail for CVC violation 24250 and will this count as a point against your license?

In california? My wife got fined $230!!

Judgment againts your wife for 40.000 she will not pay as odered by the court what can you do?

I am not a lawyer but, if your wife has been ordered by the court to pay up, she has to pay up. If she fails to pay, start by contacting the clerk of courts and tell them the situation. It won't cost you any money assuming she truly has a judgment against her.

If real property is held by husband and wife as tenants by the entireties does a judgment against one attach to the property?

In a tenancy by the entireties, property is owned by both spouses collectively. Therefore, if a judgment is entered against one spouse, it typically cannot attach to the property held as tenants by the entireties. This is because creditors generally cannot access property held in this manner to satisfy the debt of one spouse.

Can they put a judgment against your property if only your nane is on the deed wife has a judgment against her?

It depends on your state: If you live in most community property states (Louisiana West through Texas, and on the California) a judgment against her may affect your property if it is deemed to be "community property" which is property acquired during the marriage. If you live in a common law state, and the state has maintained "tenants by the entireities" as the form in which married persons hold property, then the property is, in all likelihood, free from the lien of the judgment.

If credit card has judgment against your wife can they take your tax refund if you are sole early but file jointly?

No. Only legal government debts can be used against your refund in the FMS refund offset program

Washington state If a judgment is awarded against the husband is the wife's assets in jeopardy?

Yes in most cases there will be a consequence. The spouse is considered to have benefited from the assets of the other.

If a judgment is awarded against the husband is the wife share of the home which is jointly owned in jeopardy?

The husband and wife are seen as one person in the eyes of the court. If the husband incurs a debt, the wife shares it. They should not be able to take your home, unless that was the collateral for whatever the case was about.

If you get a traffic ticket for red light and you are not the driver and the driver is your wife do you have to disclose that information that she was the driver and not you?

No, you don't have to, but if you take the responsibility it is your license that will get the points placed against it.