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you can not give yourself an STD by swallowing your own ejaculate.

the only scenario i can think of where you would spread an STD would be that if you had genital herpes. You could give yourself oral herpes by performing autofellatio, but that is the only thing i can think of.

Autofellatio would be safe from the standpont of getting a sexually transmittable disease--unlike the risk of one person sucking another person's penis. If you were going to suck your penis, or thumb, or any other body part--or a doorknob of anything else--without first making sure it is clean, then of course you could get some infection in the enviornment.

That being said, for most men autofellatio is impossible. Only around 1% can achieve it.

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Q: Is autofellatio safe
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Is Autofellatio dangerous?

Autofellatio can be potentially dangerous due to the risk of causing injury to the back, neck, or spine. It can also lead to muscle strain or other physical discomfort. It is important to be cautious and consult with a healthcare professional if attempting autofellatio.

How do you autofellatiate?

Autofellatio is the act of a male performing oral sex on himself. It requires flexibility, particularly in the spine and hip flexors. It's important to be cautious when attempting autofellatio to prevent injury.

Is Autofellatio a sin?

It's essentially masturbation, but that's a flexible definition.

Are you gay if you engage in autofellatio?

It takes more than that to come to that conclusion.

Is autofellatio wrong?

No, it is different to the usual type of masturbation a male will do but it is not wrong.

What is autofelliato?

I assume you mean Autofellatio (check your spelling) in which case it is when a man performs oral sex on himself.

What are some stretches for autofellatio?

You need to work on being more flexible so lots of bending exercises.

What percent of men can perform autofellatio?

Not many can actually perform it. You need to be flexible and young enough to practise. Nobody knows what percent because their has not been a poll taken.

Can men blow themselfs?

Yes, some men have the physical ability to perform autofellatio, which involves orally stimulating oneself. However, this practice can be physically challenging. It is not common due to the limitations of flexibility and anatomy.

Can a woman take a penis in her mouth?

well first you have to have a rib taken out then suck away The act of inserting one's penis into his own mouth is known as autofellatio. Sexologist Alfred Kinsey postulated that fewer than one (1) percent of the population is able to perform this feat. Physical training such as gymnastics and yoga may allow one to achieve autofellatio. Gravity can also help, such as lying on one's back and raising his legs to assist in bending.

Who got his bottom rib taken out so he could suck his own?

There is a myth that Marilyn Manson had a rib removed so he could perform autofellatio, but there is no credible evidence to support this claim. It is likely just a rumor that has persisted over the years.

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