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Collision Damage WaiverAsk yourself this: Say you were to have an at-fault crash, or not even that, the car gets stolen, a tree falls on it, it is impaled by hail stones, it gets vandalized, or it is hit by an uninsured driver, would you happen to have the money to cover the book value of the car which could easily cost thousands perhaps tens of thousands of dollars? When I rented from Enterprise, my insurance told me that I only had liability to cover other cars in case of an At Fault crash, and any other damage to the car including at fault crash damage would be my responsibility. So check with your credit card companies, some offer collision damage waiver coverage (CDW) as an added benefit or check your current auto insurance company if you have one to see what you are covered under. In my opinion, CDW offers peace of mind because even though you may not damage the car yourself, any damage not caused directly by you will be covered by CDW.
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Q: Is Enterprise rent-a-car collision damage waiver worth the money?
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Which insurance companies offer collision insurance?

The forthcoming insurance companies offer collision insurances: Insurance4CarHire, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Rental Cars and the Collision Damage Waiver, etc.

What collision damage waiver with no excess mean?

collission damage with no excess

What does CDW excess mean?

Collision Damage Waiver

Can the rental car agency hold you responsible for damages even if you purchased collision damage waiver?

Usually the waiver only reduces the excess you pay.

What is a cdw charge on a rental car?

That's your Collision Damage Waiver -- the insurance you purchased on the rental when you rented it.

What is covered under CDW insurance?

The CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) insurance covers the following: Liability, collision, theft and other damage. This sort of insurance is offered by car rental companies.

Which products are sold on the website Insurance4CarHire?

They sell Excess Insurance for rental cars, which covers additonal cases such as theft or CWD (Collision Damage Waiver) which the normal rental insurance might not cover.

Where can you find a collision damage insurance waiver for a RV rental in Canada?

This document would be available from the RV rental company that you are dealing with as each company probably has theirs slightly altered for their company.

Can you purchase a cdw for a rental from an insurance comany not the rental agent?

No, you can not purchase CDW fro a rental from an insurance company. It has to be purchased through the rental agent. CDW stands for collision damage waiver.

what is the insurance needed when renting a car?

First, if you have comprehensive and collision coverage on your own vehicle then check with your own insurance carrier to see if that will automatically extend to the vehicle you will be renting (as that would save you a lot of money). If it does not extend (and you have liability insurance) then you will need to get the rental company's property damage insurance (sometimes called collision damage waiver).

Is collision damage waiver the same as under insured motorist protection?

CDW/LDW is a waiver, the rental car companies agrees not to go after the renter for any damages to the rental car (regardless of fault) if you purchase the waiver for a daily fee. As long as the renter does not violate the contract. If someone else is at fault they will then go after that person. It only covers the rental car, nothing else is covered

What is DW charge on rental car?

"Damage Waiver".