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In the UK - the answer generally speaking is "yes". The Highway Code requires you to keep a safe distance behind a vehicle in front such that if that vehicle has to stop - even in an emergency - you have sufficient time to react and stop in time to avoid a collision occurring.

Notably there are a couple of exceptions:

1. In the UK there is an insurance scam starting to develop which involves a vehicle packed with individuals pulling in front of a car and slamming on the brakes to actually cause a collision. in such circumstances and if it can be proved the driver that collides with the one in the front should be found to blame.

2. The motorway scenario - again a vehicle can legitimately pull in front of vehicle in the near lane, but if that vehicle manoeuvres too quickly leaving too small a gap and brakes suddenly it is likely the driver behind will not be found to be At Fault.

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Q: If you hit a car from behind you are usually legally at fault?
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If you hit a car from behind is it legally your fault?


If you hit a car from behind you are legally at fault?

Yes, you are. It will be viewed that you were following too closely.

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If you are hit from behind it is usually always the guy that hit you that is at fault unless you were in reverse backing up

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The car behind you

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