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sweetie there sure is, those old tin roofs are not the best for living I would remove the old roof and replace it with a more modern one about $800 or do

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Q: I am a single parent and my roof needs to be replaced I have a metal roof and it has leaked in 2 spots and is all rusted. Is there any assistance for me Thank you Candi Clinard ?
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The State can file to recover assistance provided on the child's behalf.

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Either to the custodial parent as the obligee, or to the State as reimbursement for public assistance.

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In the US, foster parent and adoption assistance are administered by the State, so the rules and payment rates differ.

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It will be forwarded to the custodial parent after the State'(s') share, if any, is kept as reimbursement for assistance provided.

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In the US, foster parent and adoption assistance are administered by the States, so the rules and payment rates differ.

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The state can try to recoup what they pay out by going after the non-supporting parent. Parents have the legal responsibility of supporting their children financially. A custodial parent who is receiving public assistance is being supported by the taxpayer. The non-custodial parent should be pursued to pay that back.

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All of it is given to the custodial parent, except for amounts retained by the State as reimbursement for public assistance.

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In the US, foster parent and adoption assistance are administered by the State, so the rules and payment rates differ.