From my experience with this problem it isn't the steering wheel that is shaking but your U joints could be bad or something else under the car. Get it to a mechanic. Can't give a cost for this.
Most likely cause is out of balance wheels. Get your wheels balanced by your garage or tyre specialist.
bad front brakes.
Replace the Spedometer cable.
FIX THE WHEEL. A bent wheel can be straightened with the right equipment & right training. First the wheel has to be dismounted!! Anyone (mobile wheel repair units) that tell you otherwise are full of Da Bien(mandarin for s**t). Factory wheel radial runouts are 10/1000 of an inch with aftermarket wheel tolerances 15/1000 of an inch. Repairs can be very simple, bring it to a professional, yes it's that simple. Let those trained & NEWWCRA certified to fix wheels fix your wheel Al's Hubcaps ALSHUBCAPS.COM
Tires out of balance, bent wheel, or worn suspension parts.
Tighten down the screw at the base.
Engine miss.
try balancing the front wheels
Could be a wheel weight missing, a bad ball joint or a bad shock.
* Bad Tires * Bad wheel * Failed or bent suspension parts Have the tires & wheel checked first.
it varies on car to car, gennarly you can buy a set of wheel bearings for about 150$