Hire A Professional Paintless Dent Repair Technician And Save Money?
To remove a minor dent, ding or crease from your vehicle, save
time and money by investing in paintless dent repair. This
technique allows you to preserve the original paint on your vehicle
and thus increase its value. Performed by specialized technicians,
paintless dent repair can be used to repair dents smaller than
footballs. Steel and aluminum panels in vehicles made since 1990
respond well to paintless dent repair. If the dented area has been
repaired in the past or is not near the edge of a panel and if the
paint has been broken or cracked, paintless dent repair may not be
A paintless dent repair technician analyzes the dent's location
and depth. He or she accesses the dent through the window opening
or by removing the trim pieces or the inner panel. With patience,
the technician inserts metal rods or body picks behind the dented
panel. Tabs or other tools used on the outside of the dent allow
the technician to determine how much pressure to apply. The
technician starts at the outer edge and slowly manipulates the
metal until the dent disappears and blends into the painted
Paintless dent repair offers convenience and quality with
minimal cost. Paintless dent repair does not use filler or paint
and thus requires less material than traditional auto body
techniques. It can also be performed within hours rather than days.
The procedure requires minimal labor or overhead expense for the
technician who can provide a specialized, mobile service to
individual clients, auto dealers, auctions, rental car companies
and auto clubs.
Hire a certified and experienced paintless dent repair
technician. Untrained technicians and do it yourself vehicle owners
can cause additional physical and financial damage to the vehicle.
Find a professional paintless dent repair technician by contacting
local insurance agencies, auto dealers, car clubs or the Chamber of
Commerce. Maintain the vehicle's original paint and value while
restoring its physical condition when you hire a professional
paintless dent repair technician.