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One if the drink contains a large quantity of alcohol. It also depends if you are male or female and your body size. Also varies from person to person. Also depends on the time between drinks. Lots of variables here. Basically if you have 2 strong drinks within a 1 hour period you may be above the legal limit. It really depends on your body.

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Q: How many alcoholic drinks does it take to impair judgment?
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How many drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired?

One alcoholic drink will start to impair judgment and reasoning.

How many alcohol drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired?

One alcoholic drink will start to impair judgment and reasoning.

How many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired on a boat?

The body can typically process about one alcoholic drink an hour. Anything over that will likely impair judgment.

For most people how many drinks does it take to impair judgment?

The first drink impairs judgment.

How many alcoholic drinks to impaired?

The number of drinks consumed before impairment occurs depends on many factors. These include the time period during which time the drinks are consumed, the drinker's gender. the drinker's size, the drinker's body mass index, and the drinker's experience with drinking alcohol.

How many drinks does it take to impair judgment?

Depends on your body weight, gender, and how long between drinks. Everyone is not the same.

How many alcoholic drinks does of take for judgment and physical reaction are impaired?


For most people how many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and reaction time are and Impaired?


How many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction?

One drink is all it takes.

Why was there so many alcoholic drinks in the civil war?

So that the men can be brave enought to fight the battles, which, in that case helped them go back out to fight.

How many alcoholic drinks begin with the letter k?

· Kahlua · Kentucky Bourbon

How many percent of alcoholic in the strongest alcoholic drinks?

The strongest alcoholic drinks can have alcohol content ranging from 40% to over 90%. However, many commercially available strong alcoholic beverages like spirits typically range from 40-50% alcohol by volume (ABV).