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Q: How long does a DWI felony conviction stay on record in new york?
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How long does a felony charge stay on your record in NY?

A felony conviction will remain on your 'record' indefinetly, until you have it expunged via Court order.

How long does felony charge stay on your record in Tx?

Forever. Any charge/conviction will never fall of a record.

How long does a felony conviction stay on your record in tn?

For life, and it won't just be in TN, either.

How long does a felony stay on your record in Kentucky and can it be expunged?

Felonies are forever... Expunging a record is very difficult and very costly.

How long does a felony conviction stay on your record in the state of Minnesota?

Unfortunately, for the rest of your life--unless you are granted a pardon by the governor or the felony is expungable.

How long does a conviction for a felony stay on your record in Ohio?

It doesn't go away. You get a felony (or misdemeanor) conviction on your adult record, it's on there for life. Even juvenile convictions don't simply go away - the records just get sealed when you turn 18.

How long does a DUI conviction stay on your record in the state of Colorado?

how long does a DUI conviction stay on your record in the state of Colorado

How long does DUI conviction remain on driving record in Florida?

Last I new of was 7 years, but a conviction would stay on record for 10 yrs and life if it was felony DUI.

How long does a Louisiana felony stay on your record?

A felony cannot be expunged from your record in Louisiana.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of Virginia?

Normally it would remain on your record forever. I assume you meant felony conviction. The fact that you were charged with something is really nobody's business but yours, unless you were found guilty.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of Colorado and how can it be removed from your record?

A felony charge/conviction stays on your criminal record forever. Petition the court to have your record "expunged" and it should be accompanied by good reason(s) that it should be granted. After consideration, it may or may not be granted.

How long does a felony stay on your record in ma?

In Massachusetts, a felony conviction will typically remain on your criminal record indefinitely. However, under certain circumstances, you may be eligible to have your felony conviction sealed or expunged after a certain period of time. It is recommended to consult with a criminal defense attorney for more information on your specific case.