If the compressor has failed internally there is really nothing a backyard mechanic can do to repair it except replacement. But leaking fittings, or a bad clutch pulley can be easily done. You will need to find out which problem you have and go from there.
The compressor is located in a compartment in the left front wheel hub. To access it you have to remove the air cleaner and the washer fluid reservior.
suspension system is rattling How to repair the rattle?
the commpressor is located under the air filter on left front side. Just turn the suspension switch in the trunk off
A car need to be repaired if it is smoking near the compressor. There might be something seriously wrong with the car.
Air compressor??? Do you mean Air Conditioner Compressor? This service is best left to a professional who has the proper equipment, and skill to perform this repair.
Bad bearing in compressor?
locate compressor on left inner fender under air filter box which will need to be removed unplug wire at compressor there are three nuts holding the compressor in. You get at them from under the car. lift out old compressor.
The ac compressor is probably seized up or seizing up. Don't run the ac any more until the system is repaired. If the compressor fills the system with trash (if it hasn't already) the cost for repair will be very high.
the compressor is located under windshield washer tank and airfilter box both need to be removed. then unplug wire at compressor, there are three nuts 10mm holding the compressor in you get at them from under car.
take it to a repair shop
that depends on what is wrong have you checked the compressor?
do not. buy a used one.