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Try covering it in baking powder and leaving it for as long as possible like a day is normally good 2 give it time 2 absorb the smell and then vacuum the powder up. only problem is it looks suss when you have the powder on the floor.

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Q: How do you get rid of the smell of gasoline you spilled on the carpet?
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Gas Spill in car how can i get rid of the smell?

keep scrubbin. if you want to you can get the carpet replaced. no real way to effectively get rid of it. it should go away over time though. i myself like the smell of gasoline

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leave your windows down as much as you can if you can take out the object it spilled on and wash it if not clean the best you can with carpet cleaner and then spray a lot of air freshener The best air freshener to use is Freshana AIRIA Air Purifier. It will naturally get rid of the smell instantly.

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You can get rid of the cat smell by cleaning carpet and then using a carpet powder to help the smell in the future.

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Gas smells are caused by a pretty strong hydrocarbon chain. That's why it's so hard to get rid of. Look into a product called Freshana Organic Solutions. It's 100% organic and natural but through a patented microencapsulation process easily breaks that chain apart and will get rid of the smell almost instantly without masking it.

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Lick it up!!!! Lick it up!!!!

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Have the carpet professionally cleaned

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soap hot water sponge and Clorox to get rid of the smell febreeze!

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