The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Frankfort, Kentucky is: 292 miles / 469 km
That would depend greatly on where in Kentucky you want to go and from where you are leaving from. The distance from Tonga to Frankfort is much different then the drive from St Louis to Louisville.
It is 28.38 miles according to MapQuest.
about 500 miles
It is 28,38 miles according to MapQuest.
Brussels to Frankfurt, Germany is about 250 miles. Brussels to Frankfort, Kentucky, is significantly farther.
The distance from Nashville, Tennessee to the state of Wyoming is about 1400 miles/2,290 km.
It is 43.2 miles according to Google Maps.
175.94 miles
The distance in Tennessee from Nashville to Dayton is 150 miles. That equals 241 kilometers and about 2.5 hours in driving time.
The flight distance from Nashville, Tennessee to Portugal is 4,171 miles.
Albania is approximately 8,600 kilometers from Nashville, Tennessee.