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Yes it does. If you drive any car with a blown head gasket you will have serious internal engine damage.

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Q: Does needing a head gasket replaced make your car a non runner?
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How hard is it to replace head gasket on a 2000 amigo?

Having a head gasket replaced on a 2000 Amigo can be replaced but it can be hard depending on if the mechanic has the right instructions. Also, depending on the condition of the head gasket can depend on how hard it is replace the gasket.

You have coolant getting into your oil how?

You have a blown head gasket or a cracked head. STOP driving this car immediately or you will do serious damage to the engine. It will need the gasket replaced and the head checked.You have a blown head gasket or a cracked head. STOP driving this car immediately or you will do serious damage to the engine. It will need the gasket replaced and the head checked.

How do you replace a head gasket on a 1999 Chevy Malibu?

The head gasket on a 1999 Chevy Malibu is replaced by removing the coolant, intake manifold, and retaining bolts. The cylinder head can then be removed, the gasket replaced, and everything reassembled.

When there is gas in the oil on a 2001 neon can it be a head or intake gasket?

I don't know which one was at fault but I replaced the head, the head gasket, and the intake manifold gasket.

How do you fix a blown head gasket on a 99 grand am 3.4 liter?

The head will have to be pulled and the gasket replaced. If the car overheated the head may have warped and will need to be resurfaced or replaced as well.

Can you fix a blown head gasket with steel seel?

no, the gasket jas to be replaced and the cylinder head re-surfaced.

Do they make additives to fix a blown head gasket?

No additive is going to help - you need to get your head gasket replaced.

What other parts are typically changed when fixing a blown head gasket?

Intake and exhaust manifold gaskets are also replaced along with the head gasket. Head is inspected and if cracked it is replaced. Head bolts should also be replaced with new ones.

Do you have to replace the whole engine if the head gasket is blown?

No. You can have the head gasket replaced. This is unless you kept driving the car with a blown head gasket and have totally destroyed the engine.

White smoke from exuast 92 Camry replaced head gaskets and did not fix problem please help car never overheated?

Were the rings replaced at the time the head gasket was replaced? Common problem when replacing the head gasket is not fixing other engine problems which usually go hand in hand with head gasket problems.

What happens when cylinder head gasKet goes?

A common cause of problems in cylinder head gaskets is leaks in the gasket. When a leak forms, the gasket must be replaced.

How does water get into an engine?

Usually when the cylinder head gasket is blown (broken or damaged). It cannot be repaired but has to be replaced with a new head gasket.