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Repossessed no. Confiscated yes.

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Q: Can your car get repoed for getting a DUI?
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What if you are getting your car repoed but you dont have the car?

Then tell the Repossession agents where it is and who has it.

Can you get charged with stealing a car when it's getting repoed?


Can a car be repossessed before the end of the business day?

dont see why not. I've repoed a car within a hour of getting the assignment.

When the car is BACK in your possession and there are flaws who is responsible for getting them repaired if they were working when it was repoed?

depends on what you're talking about

How can you avoid getting your car repoed if you cant make your payments?

keep it into a garage or on a friends property, not a relatives

Is there car insurance for drivers with dui?

Having a DUI won't make your insurance company drop you most of the time. You will have to pay more, but just getting car insurance with a DUI shouldn't be a problem.

Who is 1-855-677-8948?

arbitration, they tried to help me avoid getting my car repoed but they were not willing to work me much

Can you get your wheels back if car was repoed?

No As far as finance company is concerned the car came with wheels, it has wheels on it when repoed. Done deal.

My car was repoed can i file bankrupt and get it back?


What will happen to you if the repo man comes to get your car while you're traveling out of state?

1)he will take the car you left if that is the car to be repoed. 2)If you are traveling in the car to be repoed he will wait for you to return and repo it after you get back.

If your car is repoed can they charge you to get back you personal belongings?


Do repo papers have to be shown when your car is being repoed?
