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Misdemenor, maybe. Felony NO!

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Q: Can you become a corrections officer with a felony drunk driving on your record?
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Can I be a corrections officer with a misdemeanor?

It depends on the state in which you live, but chances are you cannot. It depends what the felony was for.

Can you become a police officer in Kansas if you have a felony?

Yes but VERY limited depending on the felony.

Would like a job with department of corrections but you are a felon?

What kind of job exactly? It could not be as a Corrections Officer. Most positions in the department of corrections are positions of 'public trust.' As a general rule government agencies do not hire persons with a felony arrest record.

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What is the penalty for three driving on revoked convictions in Illinois?

in illinois a third conviction for driving on revoked is a class 4 felony which could carry a 1 to 3 year sentence in the department of corrections

Can you become a Corrections Officer in the state of Arizona if you did jail time in the Military?

It is not likely, as you probably have a less than honorable discharge from the military. Of course, it depends what you were in confinement for. If you were confined for committing a felony, you would not be able to obtain any employment as a Peace Officer. Lesser offenses could be negotiable. I suggest you do two things: 1. Take a look at your DD 214 to determine how you were discharged. 2. Call Arizona Dept of Corrections and ask the recruiter.

Can you have a charge and become a parole officer?

Misdemeanor charge yes. Felony charge very doubtful.

Can you become a police officer with felony convictins in Los Angeles?

No. You cannot legally possess a firearm.

Leaving the scene of an accident charge Can you still become a probation officer?

Depends on if it is felony or misdemeanor. Misdemeanor than yes, eventually but with a felony than no.

Can you become a police officer with a juvenile felony in F lorida?

To put it simply, no, they would never hire you.

Is it a felony to impersonate police officer?

Yes it is a felony

How do you get a corrections job as an ex felon?

Im going to correct the previous persons answer. As a corrections officer myself and a prior police officer I know that you cant get a job as a corrections officer or any other criminal ustice sworn job. even if you attempt to get your records Expunged it will never be hidden from a criminal justice willonly be hidden to private sector employers. and felons arnt allowed to carry firearms and that's a requirement as a corrections officer. but even if felons were allowed to carry firearms they still can get the job due to numerous other state laws that bar it and no agency will ever hire them. all criminal justice agencies will treat a expunged felony just as if its a none expunged and its never gonna be hidden from them. ACTUALLY in the state of Vermont you can work at the DOC with a felony Only with a felony waiver from the commish of corrections can grant. i know a few c/o's who work there now but cant advance too high due to some of the jobs that require to carry a weapon. in vt there arent any gunlaws you only have to be elegible by federal gun law meaning now felonies or a few other underlining offenses. i hope this answer helps so whoever said YOU CANT BE A CORRECTIONAL officer with a felony is WRONG WRONG WRONG go Atlanta Braves!! Well I can tell you as a Corrections Officer you can get a job as an ex offender. I ddid 5 years for armed robbery with a mask and today I am superintendent of an institution. Get a Queens Pardon and go from there.