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Q: Can a cop pull you over in your driveway for a DWI?
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Can a cop give you a ticket if he did not pull you over?

In the State of Connecticut,can a cop give you a ticket if he didn't pull you over on the street? Also he only assumed where he was he didn't see him pull in the driveway. I the owner of the house,want to press harassment charges on him.

Can a cop pull you over while driving in the opposite direction and turning around?

A cop can always pull you over at any time.

How do I get out of a DUI-DWI if im getting pulled over?

If you absolutely know your getting pulled over then what you do is pull over turn off your car get out and chug a beer in front of the cop... I'm serious. This way the cop doesn't know your Blood alcohol level when you were driving and there for he cant charge you with DUI because you can say that beer put you over .08

Can a cop pull you over just for not having seat belt on in Arizona?

A cop can pull you over for not having a seat belt or anything else. Under the Patriot Act, they don't need a reason to pull you over.

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Is a cop allowed to block a business driveway if his lights aren't on and he's not pulling anyone over?

no, if he isn't conducting official business, you have the right of way

Can you pull over on a red curve when a cop pulls you over?

panic roll down window get license swear

Can a cop pull over twice with end 10min apart?

Of course, if you violate the law twice

Can a cop pull you over for no seat belt in the state of Michigan if you are doing nothing wrong?


Does a cop have to have a search warrant to search your car when they pull you over in Arizona?

Only if they don't have probable cause.

I’m Virginia, can a cop pull me over because he “recognized” my face, but I did nothing wrong?

I meant, “In Virginia…..”

Can a cop pull you over when the plates are registered in a different persons name that has a suspension?

He can pull you over but as long as you have a drivers licence he cant do anything unless you just committed a driving offence.