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No, it will most likely strip the paint of your car. acetone is used in nail polish remover to remove the varnish of your nails.

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Q: Can Acetone be used to clean the paint on a car before waxing?
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How can you clean glue or paint from glass?

Wipe with acetone or lacquer thinner, then Windex.

How long to waite before waxing car after a paint job?

The amount of time to wait before waxing a car after a paint job will vary. This will depend on the type of paint job and the wait period can be between 30 days to 4 months.

What do they paint the dashboard of a car with?

On the soft vinyl you should use a vinyl paint and on the hard plastics use a epoxy paint or plastic paint. Make sure to thoroughly clean all surfaces to be painted with acetone or TSP then rinse in clean water.

What would be a common solvent for paint?

Most of them contain acetone.

Will acetone remove enamel paint?

It will if the paint has not been baked.

Can acetone damage automotive paint?

Acetone CAN damage paint; IT May not damage ALL paints. If you want to super clean your paint; say to remove oil from the road use mineral spirits, rags and gloves in a well ventilated area. The going will be slow but when your done wipe off remaining mineral spirits and wax the area.

Is acetone helpful when washing a car?

No. Acetone will strip the clear coat and eventually the paint

How do you get paint of tiles?

have you tried pure acetone?

Is acetone used to thin paint?

Yes, acetone can be used to thin oil-based paints and clean painting tools. However, it is not recommended for thinning latex or acrylic paints as it can cause them to break down and lose their properties. It's important to use acetone in a well-ventilated area and follow safety precautions when working with it.

Why acetone use in removing nail p olish than alcohol?

Alcohol does not dissolve the paint, where as acetone does.

Can you spray paint bike brake cables?

I would assume u cod use a Paint for plastics thAt would infuse with your cables and be successful just clean very well and don't use acetone it might eat cables

Is acetone an element?

No, it is a compound. Household uses of acetone are as the active ingredient in nail polish remover and as paint thinner.