

Blue Star AC's are good

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Please refrain from buying it, it is the worst thing happened to me. Low quality and bad service.

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Q: Blue Star AC's are good
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What is the green and blue star?

The green and blue star is a symbol Pisces and libra have showing the ability to fortune tell and predict with 80% of a right answer. The green and blue star is also referred to the Friends because the green and blue star, means frendship aswell. Lot's of Pisces and Libra's are good friends.

Which star is hotter a red star or a blue star?

a blue star is hotter then a red star because it is younger and thus has more energy. a good example of this is when you look at a flame on a lighter you see blue light at the bottom because blue is hottest and closest to the heat source whereas the red-orange flame at the top is farther away from the heat source and thus is not as hot as the blue.

What really is a blue star?

A blue star is a type of star that is hot, massive, and emits predominantly blue light. These stars have temperatures of around 10,000 to 40,000 degrees Celsius, causing them to appear blue in color. Blue stars are typically young and have short lifespans compared to other types of stars.

Is the blue or red star hot?

The blue star is the hottest star.

What is the definition of a blue star?

A star that has a blue color!

What star has a higher surface temperature blue star or a red star?


What color star is hotter a red star of a blue star?

A blue star is hotter than a red star. Blue stars have higher surface temperatures, typically exceeding 10,000 Kelvin, while red stars have lower surface temperatures, usually below 4,000 Kelvin. The color of a star is an indication of its temperature, with blue stars being the hottest and red stars being the coolest.

Is camp blue star a good camp?

worst camp ever do not go to this camp

What can be said with certainty about a red star and a blue star?

A red star is cooler and has a lower temperature compared to a blue star, which is hotter. Red stars are typically older, while blue stars are younger. The color of a star is determined by its surface temperature, so these differences in characteristics between red and blue stars are consistent.

What can be said about a red star and a blue star?

A red star is cool whereas a blue star is hot.

Is the sun or a blue star hotter?

The blue star is hotter