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If you have rental insurance with your company they should pay it However if it wasn't your fault and you know who was The other parties insurance should be paying for your rental car while yours is being fixed Sometimes its easier for your own coverage to pay first then they collect back from the responsible party Your rental coverage has limits though on how much they pay Find out from your adjuster what they are

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Q: Are you responsible for paying your car rental if you were not at fault and the insurance fails to reach a timely agreement with the body shop?
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Is an at fault party's insurance company responsible for paying insurance charges for a rental in addition to the rental fee?

No, they do not have to insure your rented vehicle. You have too.

Who is responsible for damage from car wreck in rental car?

If you purchased the rental company's insurance option then the rental company's insurance is responsible. If you did not purchase the insurance option, then YOUR insurance is responsible.

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If the rental coverage is included in your policy, probably. However if the other parties insurance is accepting responsiblity for the damage then I would be asking them for a rental.

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That's a first. I have never heard of any insurance paying for a speeding ticket. The person driving is responsible regardless of it being a rental car or not.

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If the tenant has a rental agreement with the owner, the tenant is responsible.

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If you agreed to take out a certain kind of insurance in your rental agreement, then you must purchase such insurance. However, this requirement must be specifically stated in your rental agreement; otherwise, it cannot be enforced.

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If you are not paying, according to the lease/rental agreement, of course they do.

Do you have to do the maintenance if you live in a rental house?

Typically, you are not responsible for the maintenance of a rented house. The responsibility for this falls on your landlord. However, read the rental agreement to be sure what you are/are not responsible for.

Is a rental lease part of a domestic partnership agreement?

Domestic partnership agreement refers to a legally binding contract signed by two parties who wish to memorialize the terms of their domestic partnership. It can contain clauses concerning housing, including rental housing, but nothing in the DP agreement can supersede the lease agreement. For example, the DP agreement can determine who is responsible for paying the rent, but it cannot relieve anyone of their responsibilities under a lease agreement. The lease agreement is a separate agreement between the landlord and the tenant(s).

Is a verbal agreement regarding rental amount valid?

Yes, but it's not really a contract until the parties consummate, which would be accomplished by paying that amount. It's the paying that really sets the rental amount.

What if your rental car was stolen and you have no insurance by your credit card neither from rental company - What are the consequences Will you have to pay another car If yes if you refuse to?

You are fully responsible for any loss or damage to a rental car. If you do not have insurance to cover this or have not purchased insurance from the car rental company, they will go after you for the full cost of the rental vehicle.

Are you legally responsible to pay back the cosigner who signed for you on a rental lease?

No not unless you have an agreement that you had to pay the rent.