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You are both equally responsible for the money owed on the car because it is on both of your credit reports; cosigning makes both people responsible for the payments.

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Q: You had a car repo 8 yrs ago that your exhusband cosigned for and they just now are wanting the money is he equally responsible for what you owe on it or just you we divorced 2 years before your repo?
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What happens if when cosigned mortgage loan goes into foreclosure?

The foreclosure is reported under the names of the primary borrower and the co-signer. The co-signer is equally responsible for paying the loan.

If you cosigned a private student loan for your daughter at which time she was 19yrs of age who is legally liable to repay the loan back?

If you co-signed a loan, you are fully and equally responsible for repaying it until such time as it is fully paid off or forgiven.

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It will depend on the marital status. If they are married, yes, they are equally responsible. If they are divorced, or never married, the court order determines child support and responsibility for the children and their expenses.

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You are responsible for the portion on your property and the other guy is responsible for the portion on their property.

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Whoever signed the note and mortgage is equally responsible for paying it. If two people signed they are equally responsible for paying it.

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absolutely she or he responsible for what ever happening in the premises of family setup.what ever the matter us both are equally responsible.

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They both equally are responsible for the financial, emotional and physical well being of the child.

Who is the owner of a loan that is co-signed?

The lender is the owner of the loan.The person who cosigns a loan is equally responsible for paying it if the primary borrower does not pay.See related question link.The lender is the owner of the loan.The person who cosigns a loan is equally responsible for paying it if the primary borrower does not pay.See related question link.The lender is the owner of the loan.The person who cosigns a loan is equally responsible for paying it if the primary borrower does not pay.See related question link.The lender is the owner of the loan.The person who cosigns a loan is equally responsible for paying it if the primary borrower does not pay.See related question link.

Are joint tenants equally responsible for the mortgage?

Yes. Joint tenants are equally responsible for paying the mortgage. However, you should be aware that if the circumstances in the relationship between the parties (mortgagors) changes and one abandons the property, the lender will hold the remaining person solely responsible for paying the entire balance due.

Does a co buyer have rights to the auto loan payments?

The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.The lender has the right to receive all the payments. A co-buyer has no rights TO the payments.The co-buyer is equally responsible for making the payments.

Who is responsible in Florida for rent- signer or cosigner?

Both are equally responsible. If one doesn't pay the other will be responsible. That is what "co-signing" is all about. The co-signer guarantees the rent will be paid.

Is a co-buyer responsible for paying off a loan if the buyer has no job and the vehicle was repossessed?

Yes, he or she would be equally responsible for the repayment of the loan balance.