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Q: Wore masks and often acted by night hoping to avoid the sheriff of Nottingham?
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Jays Treaty

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What are the V shaped metal antenna along the bottom beneath the doors of the Pixar Cars movie character Sheriff?

Found the answer to my own question. They are curb feelers."Sheriff is a 1949 Mercury Police Cruiser, fitted with aftermarket "curb feelers" designed to help avoid scuffing his whitewall tires. " -- The Disney Wiki, Sheriff (Cars), as of 2015, 05, 21

How can use the word salutary neglect in a sentence?

For a while, Britain did not enforce all its laws in the American colonies, hoping this policy of salutary neglect would avoid conflict.

How can you use the word salutary neglect in a sentence?

For a while, Britain did not enforce all its laws in the American colonies, hoping this policy of salutary neglect would avoid conflict.

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She snuck into the party incognito, hoping to avoid being recognized.

How do lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to avoid suspicion?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth acted surprised and shocked by the events. Lady Macbeth pretends to faint and Macbeth tries to avoid suspicion by stating the King would have died happily if he had died earlier.

What was the US hoping to avoid by dropping the atomic bombs?

The invasion of Mainland Japan, which was the only other alternative, and which would have been horrifically costly in lives - both American and Japanese.

How do you stop sheriff lock out?

To stop a sheriff lockout, you generally need to resolve the underlying issue that led to the lockout, such as paying overdue rent or resolving a lease violation. Depending on your specific situation, you may need to work with a legal professional to understand your rights and options for addressing the lockout.

Why did none of the European leaders attempt to stop Hitler's takeover of Europe?

Because Hitler claimed that the Sudetenland was the last territorial claim that he have to make in Europe. They believed Hitler & they were hoping to avoid the war.

How did Casey help Tom out of trouble with the deputy sheriff in The Grapes of Wrath?

Casey helped Tom escape from the deputy sheriff by knocking him out with a heavy flashlight. This allowed Tom to avoid being arrested for breaking his parole and enabled him to go into hiding. Casey's quick thinking and action protected Tom from getting into serious trouble with the law.

What was the US hoping to do in the beginning of World War 2?

At the beginning of WW II the US hoped not to get involved. It was only after the US was bombed by Japan, at Pearl Harbor, that the US found that it could not avoid gettting involved.