You'll still have electric power until the battery runs down. As for the engine, it depends on how it is blown. If it has a catastophic failure such as broken piston rods it won't turn over and run. If it is jambed in some way it won't run. Now if you have a cracked piston or a wrist pin about to fail or a bearing about to fail it may run for a short period of time before it completely lets go. If you have a blown head gasket it will start and run for awhile but it will overheat. So in some situations a blowm engine will run, just not for long.
The engine would probably be seized up. The starter would only make one clunk each time you turn the key to start.
Sure it will start with a blown head gasket. But, if you continue to run this engine with a blown head gasket you will destroy the engine.
Sure you CAN, but if you do continue to run an engine with a blown head gasket you will destroy the engine. Do not run any engine with a blown head gasket or you will be buying a new engine.
The cruise control is fed by the same fuses as the engine computer. If the car runs, it is not a blown fuse.The cruise control is fed by the same fuses as the engine computer. If the car runs, it is not a blown fuse.
Could be a blown fuse or low refrigerant charge
No. You can have the head gasket replaced. This is unless you kept driving the car with a blown head gasket and have totally destroyed the engine.
If the car is a Diesel there is 30 amp open fuse on the firewall
you have a blown head gasket water is getting in to the engine oil
The bulb is blown or someone has removed it.
Yoer engine will not provide a regular speed you will start smoking and you car will make a weird sound
Once an engine has a blown gasket, it could die at any second. Driving such a car would be extremely dangerous as the engine could break down unexpectedly.
possible bad valve guides or blown head gasket possible bad valve guides or blown headgasket