Thick white smoke is caused when coolant gets into a cylinder and from there into the exhaust. It is a sign that if it is not fixed real soon, you will blow or burn up your engine.
You should stop immediately.
the smoke that comes out of a exhaust pipe is supposed to be white
Maybe a blown head gasket
Thick white smoke from the exhaust is a pretty good sign
white smoke is coming from my exhaust why?
Engine exhaust turns white from water in the combustion chamber.
possible blown head gasket. I don't get white smoke from my exhaust! is it from yours? If it is just after you start your car it is normal.
It is buring oil this is a wrong answer whe engine burn oil to the exhaust smoke is a heavy white smoke no black
White smoke from the exhaust indicates that your car is burning water in the combustion chamber. This is an indication of a bad head gasket.
cracked head or blown head gasket Coolant is entering the combustion chamber through a hole in the head gasket.
No car engine should smoke from the hood on startup. The color of the smoke will indicate the problem. White thick smoke indicates burning oil, while grey smoke indicates an exhaust issue.?æ