If a substance is thermally unstable it means it breaks down at high temperature. It cannot withstand high temperature.
replace temperature gauge
Fuse location for temperature gauge for a Malibu
Defective temperature gauge or defective temperature sensor?
why is the temperature gauge not moving on a 2007 Lincoln mkz
Bad gauge or defective coolant temperature sensor
Why does your temperature gauge rise and lower only when you have the heat on?
An automobile temperature gauge can fluctuate when the thermostat is opening and closing erratically. The temperature gauge can also fluctuate when the ground wire is loose.
Unstable weather patterns.
Unstable weather patterns.
It is possible that the temperature gauge has stopped working in a 1992 Tempo due to a blown fuse. It is also possible that the temperature gauge stopped working do to the temperature sensor in the engine having a short.
All radon isotopes are radioactive and unstable; the radioactivity is not dependent on temperature.