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According to the guy who wrote the book' The Energy Non-crises' ,Terry somebody maybe Whiticer

the prices are set by the international bankers who are like brokers

between the producers and the oil companies and that's why gas prices

are so high.

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Q: Why is light crude oil more expensive in summer in the northern hemisphere?
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Polymers could become expensive in the future due to increasing demand, limited availability of raw materials, disruptions in supply chains, or stricter regulations on production processes. Additionally, factors like fluctuations in oil prices, energy costs, and global economic conditions can also impact polymer pricing.

Does Kenya have crude oil?

Yes it has been proven that their is oil on the Northen side of the country but it is too expensive to mine.

What is the difference between heavy crude oil and light crude oil?

Heavy crude oil has a higher density and viscosity compared to light crude oil. Heavy crude oil also contains more impurities like sulfur and metals, which makes it more difficult and expensive to refine. Light crude oil is easier to extract, transport, and refine, making it more valuable in the market.

Will gas prices go up again this summer?

Due to higher demand in summer, prices tend to go up. Also, accessibility of crude oil is a major factor.

Why is heavy crude oil cheaper then light crude oil?

Heavy crude oil is typically cheaper than light crude oil because it requires more processing to remove impurities and make it usable. This additional processing increases the overall cost of production, which is then reflected in the price of heavy crude oil compared to light crude oil. Additionally, heavy crude oil tends to have higher sulphur content, which can further increase the cost of refining.

What advantages does natural gas have over a oil?

Natural gas is less expensive to produce than distilling crude oil for heating. Though, many different products are produced by distilling and refining crude oil, especially in plastics, etc.

Why is brent crude oil more expensive than WTI oil?

I think because brent is produced in the N. Sea. Shipping cost.

Why might polymers become more expensive in the future?

Because a lot of them are based on the chemicals we get from crude oil, and as this is used up its price will rise.

Why natural gas price are increasing?

Because its expensive to build power stations and transport but once people use crude oil less then it will go down because money would go into natural gas production instead of crude oil

What is the difference between sweet and sour crude?

Sweet crude oil contains less sulfur content, making it easier and cheaper to refine into products like gasoline. Sour crude oil, on the other hand, contains higher sulfur content, which requires more complex and expensive refining processes to remove impurities.

Why is diesel cheaper than petrol?

cost of refining the crude oil ofcourse... In the UK diesel is more expensive than normal unleaded petrol.