If the blower isn't working, start with the easy first. Get out owner's manual and find all the fuse locations. Check which fuse controls the blower and then check the fuse.
If there is no fuse for the blower, then you need a professional tech to test it. It could be the blower motor, a relay, a blower resistor, the blower switch or the wiring between any two or more of those components.
If the blower motor is out in the open, you could try LIGHTLY tapping on it with the handle of a screwdriver. If the blower starts working right as you do that, then you have a bad blower motor.
do you know were is the gas filter on a 2005 mitsubishi endeavor?
i have a 2004 Mitsubishi endeavor . i was wondering how often you would sugest replacing the timing belt .
To remove the intake manifold on a 2004 Mitsubishi endeavor, you should take it to a mechanic. An authorized dealer will also fix it for you.
8 inch woofer
Have the transmission serviced. My 05 endeavor did the same thing.
Ls or Xs?
Genuine Mitsubishi Power Steering Fluid (Capacity is about 1.3 quarts)
How do you replace a timing belt on a Mitsubishi Endeavor 2004? (en francais si possible)Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/How_do_you_replace_a_timing_belt_on_a_Mitsubishi_Endeavor#ixzz1p65Hf8AS
Try here: http://consumerguideauto.howstuffworks.com/2004-mitsubishi-galant-3.htm Should be the same.
0.7mm - 0.8 mm
long life antifreeze coolant or and equivalent