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Q: Why does your Subaru have a beeping sound while driving?
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probably forgot to take your parking brake all the way off, or it could be the switch for the parking brake

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fasten your seatbelt

What is the occasional and random beeping noise while driving your 1997 Subaru Legacy Outback?

I'm still trying to figure it out on my 97. Does at random for about 1 to 5 mins at a time.Will update when I figure it out. The net so far is of no help!

What if your microphone headset randomly beeping Every time while your recording the sound is crystal clear but when you listen to the audio after the recording there's a annoying ticking sound?

mate its wrecked, get a new one

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I think my SVX fuel pump is going bad.

What causes a loud static radio sound while driving?

The loud static radio sound while driving is usually caused by an interruption in service. It usually happens when you drive through a tunnel or a remote countryside.

Where must you not sound your horn while driving a car?

In a "Quiet" Hospital Zone.

What is the sound you hear when your talking to someone on the phone while they are driving?

a police siren!!

What is the Hissing sound from engine while driving?

IF it is Turbo charged then that would be the turbo.

Why did my Subaru outback quit running while driving?

Driving a Subaru Outback once (I was borrowing it from a friend), the engine suddenly quit running because it was low on oil. It was a safety mechanism on the car so it wouldn't ruin the engine. I am sure there are plenty of other reasons for it to quit, though.

Is there supposed to be a humming nosie while driving a neon?

There can be a slight humming noise while driving a neon. This sound could come purely from the engine to indicate that it is running.

What would cause a knocking sound when you turn left while you are driving?

check CV joints