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your heater most likely does shut off. this is called the burner orheat exchanger. the fan will continue to run until the exchanger cools down. check you thermostat setting to see if itis on-auto ,-or continous.

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Q: Why does my heater not shut off went i turn it off on my thermostat?
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First make sure you have the correct temp thermostat for your car. If you went with a cooler one, your heater won't work correctly. If you have the right thermostat, you probably have a bad heater control valve or your adjusting cable isn't connected. Check those things out. Your heater core could also be bad.............if the car is not overheating any more I would check that.

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Depends on what you mean when you ask heater and fan. This is what I'm assuming: When you get in your car, turn the heater on and no matter how high you turn the nob it just doesn't blow? Some Toyota models have a bad heater control unit, very costly but you may be able to pick them up used. My sister's highlander went out, I think it was around $500 to fix.Or is it your radiator fan that isn't working?

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You don't. The proper thermostat is 195 degrees. The only reason to change the thermostat is because the one in it went bad. If you use a lower temperature thermostat, or none, the heater won't get warm, and in the summer, you can overheat. If you find a higher temperature one and install it, it is possible the engine will heat up as much as 1 minute faster, but the engine may run hotter as well, making it less efficient and possibly decreasing its lifespan.

Your heater seems like it does not warm as fast can that be a thermostat problem?

Yes, it could very well be your thermostat not working properly enabling the heat you seak. Or your heater core it's self could be worn out and needs replacing. But I would first pull out your thermostat and test it. If you don't know hoe to test it keep reading. You can test your thermostat by removing it from engine then placing it in boil ling water, watch it closly. the spring would have moved, if it didn't move make your water hotter. then try again. you will notice a gap started to appear in the middle of the thermostat. If it works it should open fairly wide. If it opens slightly or not at all, I suggest replacing it. Know as for your heater core, i am not to certain, but i noticed personally that when mine went, i would crank the heater and only steam or fog would come out. So i figured it was shot and replaced it problem solved. Hopefully this helps you solve or figure out your lack of heat situation. If you pinch off the top radiator hose and you get heat in the passenger compartment, it is probably a T-stat. If you feel the hose going into the heater core and feel the hose coming out of the heater core this will tell you if the heater core is plugged. They should both be fairly hot. If one is cold, it's plugged.

How do you know if the thermostat went out in a Chrysler lebaron?

If the thermostat is stuck open, the engine will never warm up to proper temperature.

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sounds like your belt is off or broke

Why is there no heat in my 1989 Plymouth Acclaim?

Low coolant? Bad thermostat? Heater core plugged, restricted, or airbound? ============================================================== Good answers by original poster. I would recommend replacing the t-stat first. Its pretty straightforward. If that doesnt solve your problem, our 89 acclaim's have a heater valve (it shuts off coolant flow to the heater core when the a/c is activated to increase the efficiency of the a/c) by the firewall that can stick or lose vacuum (broken vacuum line). Check that next. Lastly, I would take the lines off the heater core and run a garden hose up to it. This will "backflush" any accumulated crud out of the heater core. I do this to my Acclaim every fall and cant believe the crap that comes out! ============================================================== When the heater went out in my car, I went in and found out that it was the heater control valve. Check it out.