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To clear out ignitable fuel vapors that could be in the engine compartment. If they are not cleared away, it could start a fire or explosion.

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Q: Why do you need to start the exhaust blower before you star inboard engine?
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Why must you operate the exhaust blower before starting a boat with an inboard gas engine?

Operating the exhaust blower purges the engine compartment of explosive fuel fumes.

Why should an exhaust blower be operated before starting an inboard engine?

It removes fuel vapors

TP-11 why must you operate the exhaust blower before starting a boat's inboard gasoline engine?

to remove fuel vapors

Deadly amounts of carbon monoxide can be released from which of the following?

inboard gas engine exhaust

Why must you operate the exhaust blower before starting a boat and inboard gasoline engine?

To remove accumulated gasoline vapors from areas of the engine compartment. Failure to do so can result in an explosion during start-up.

What should you do before starting an inboard gasonline engine?

Operate the blower for at least four minutes

What should you do before starting an inboard or stern drive engine?

Run the blower. (To get the gas fumes out)

Why must you operate the exhaust blower starting a boats inboard gasoline engine?

Running the exhaust blower will expel fuel or exhaust vapors trapped in the engine compartment. This is a precautionary step. A visual inspection the engine compartment is also a good habit to get into if you have not started the boat for some time. Things to look (and smell) for in the engine compartment that might tell you something is wrong with your boat before you start it include: fuel or exhaust, water, and broken or loose motor parts.

Why must you operate the exhaust blower before starting boats inboard gasoline engine?

Running the exhaust blower will expel fuel or exhaust vapors trapped in the engine compartment. This is a precautionary step. A visual inspection the engine compartment is also a good habit to get into if you have not started the boat for some time. Things to look (and smell) for in the engine compartment that might tell you something is wrong with your boat before you start it include: fuel or exhaust, water, and broken or loose motor parts.

Why must you operate a exhaust blower before starting a Inboard engine?

To exhaust any gasoline fumes that may be present. Failure to do so can result in an explosion if there is a spark or electrical short. You do not want an explosion aboard a water craft. Safety first ... always.

TP-24 what should you do before stating a inboard gasoline engine?

Operate the blower for at least four minutes

What should you before starting an inboard gasoline engine?

You should operate the blower for at least 4 minutes, and then you can feel free to start the engine.