800-1200 rpm
The rpm of the engine - revolutions per minute
That is about your average idle RPM. It depends on what car you have and the age of your car. If it bothers you, i'd recommend going to a place that fixes cars.
Depends, 10 rpm of what? a bicycle, a generator, car wheel?
car audio I need to know the rpm color wairring for Chrysler 300c
torque is at low rpm, horse power is at higher rpm. as you gain hp, you lose torque and vice versa.
A typical idle speed for a normal car engine is 600 rpm to 1,000 rpm. It is higher for buses and motorcycles. RPM stands for revolutions per minute.
what year is the car and do you have any other problems.If the car starts hard and rpm doesn't work try replacing crankshaft sensor
It is normal for the RPM to increase a little when put in park or neutral. If the RPM increases by a lot, then you need to adjust your idle speed.
RPM (Revolutions Per Minute), generally associated with the rotation of the crankshaft in a vehicle.
At about 1700 RPM's you're going 55.
rpm goes up and does not change gear below 60