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The General Motors stock price can be viewed online on dedicated Stock Market websites for the latest, up to date, stock market price. Alternatively, most major broadsheet newspapers will feature reviews of stock market prices for major companies.

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Q: Where might one go to learn more about the GM stock price?
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Where can one learn more on DAX trading?

To learn more about DAX trading you can go to the DAX Diversified Trading Institute or Investopedia website, watching the stock market on the news and by talking to a stock broker.

Where can I learn more about trading in a tough market?

The market being down is actually an excellent reason to buy stocks. Think of it like shopping at the grocery store. If you heard that bananas were really expensive this week, would you want to run out to buy some? Probably not. But if you heard that the price was particularly low, you might be more interested. Talk to your stockbroker, and research websites like eTrade, to learn more about investing when the stock market is down.

Should you take a loss with exercising stock options that are below the strike price Example is that options are worth 15.20 right now but strike price is 16?

What you should really consider is the price of the stock in relation to the strike price. If the price of the stock is now way above $16, for example, the underlying stock is $50 now, then exercising the options for the stocks would be more profitable. Otherwise, simply selling the options would be more profitable. The moneyness of the options matter more in this case.

You expect the dividend to grow steadily at a rate of 4 percent per year. What is the expected stock price three years from now?

The stock price of a growth stock is only fractionally dependent on the dividend. I assume that you are talking about a growth stock since you ask about the future price of the stock. There are many other factors that are far more influential in the price of a stock than the dividend. Some, but not nearly all, are: 1. The earnings, and expected future earnings, of the company and it's market sector. 2. The market capitalization of the stock. This is the number of shares times the price per share. 3. The earnings-per-share. A stock with an 18X earnings-per-share might be overvalued if the average EPS of its direct competitors was 14X. Conversely, if the EPS of its competitors were 22X as an average, the stock might be undervalued. 4. Quality of Management. Confidence in management is an important factor. 5. Company buy-back. If a company is actively buying back its stock there are fewer shares outstanding which could, over time, help the price to rise. Always remember, the stock market is only an auction house. If there are more buyers wanting to own the stock than there are sellers willing to sell, the movement of the stock price will be higher. And, of course, vice versa.

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Maintaining a high stock price allows a company to access the capital markets by issuing more stock at these higher prices and bringing in more cash for the company to use in its business. A high stock price is also a sign of investor confidence in the company, as well as a necessary requirement to maintain a stock exchange listing or bring in institutional investors as holders of the stock.