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Q: Where is yersinia pestis mostly found?
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What type of microorganism is plague?

The bubonic plague is a form of Yersinia pestis. Y. pestis is a bacterium that is facultative and anaerobic. Other forms of Y. pestis include the pneumonic and septicemic plagues.

Does Yersinia Pestis have a mitochondria?

No. Yersinia Pestis is a bacterium and so is a prokaryote. Prokaryotes do not have such organelles.

What is bacterium an example of?

Yersinia pestis, AKA, Bubonic Plague

When was pasteurella pestis renamed Yersinia pestis?

The bacteria Pasteurella pestis was renamed Yersinia pestis in 1944 by the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. This change in nomenclature was due to advances in microbiology and taxonomy that reclassified the bacteria into the Yersinia genus.

What are the Causes of the plague?

fleas, rats, lice,boils and all sorts of disease

What is Yersinia pestis a plague in history and in modern times?

Yersinia pestis is the bacillus that causes the Black Death (Bubonic Plague).

Is yersinia pestis unicellular?


What does yersinia pestis eat?


Does Yersinia pestis have flagella?

yes ..............

Who are Yersinia pestis most common prey?

Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague, primarily infects rodents such as rats, squirrels, and prairie dogs. Fleas that feed on these hosts can transmit the bacterium to humans through bites, leading to cases of bubonic, septicemic, or pneumonic plague.

Where can yersinia pestis be found?

It's likely to be found on animals such as rats, chipmunks, dogs, cats, squirrels, and cats.

What Pathogen is the bubonic plague?

Yersinia pestis.