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Q: Where is the fuse for the air blower?
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Is there a fuse for the air conditioning blower on a 2004 Honda CR-V?

There is an air conditioning blower fuse on the 2004 Honda. The fuse is in the fuse box. The fuse box is located in the engine compartment.

What fuse controls the front AC blower on a 2003 Ford Expedition XLT?

The 2003 Ford Expedition front air conditioner blower fuse can be found in the fuse box. The front air conditioner blower fuse will be the number six fuse.

Where is the fuse for an HVAC air blower?

the fuse should be on the board with all the wires going to it

Blower for heat and air won't work in a 2006 Chevy Tahoe?

Check the blower fuse located in the hood. It's a 40 amp fuse. Marked blower on the map

Already changed the heater-air controls why won't my heater-air blower work?

have you checked the fuse if so then you will need to replace the resistor for the blower hig and low dettings have you checked the fuse do you have 12 volts to blower if so then you will need to replace the resistor for the blower replace the blower motor

2003 Toyota Echo Ac stoped blowing air where is blower located?

If the AC stopped blowing air on your 2003 Toyota Echo, the blower fuse could be to blame. If the fuse is fine, it might be the blower resistor that needs to be replaced.

What could be wrong if the AC blower on a 1995 Ford Windstar will not blow air?

fuse, wiring, blower motor, blower motor switch, blower motor resistor

Why won't my air conditioner blow air?

Check all of the following..... 1. The blower fuse. 2. The blower ground and power. 3. The a/c controller. 4. The blower resister. 5. The blower motor itself............

You keep blowing the 25 amp air conditioner and blower fuse Where is the blower on a 1991 S-10 with air?

the blower motor should be either on the passenger firewall or in the passenger floorboard below the dash

What causes the air not to blow out of the air cond or the heater sometimes and then sometimes the blower works fine?

Loose connection or blower motor? Bad blower motor? Loose fuse? Bad fan switch?

Why doesn't my 2004 MITSUBISHI ENDEAVOR air conditioner blow air out?

If the blower isn't working, start with the easy first. Get out owner's manual and find all the fuse locations. Check which fuse controls the blower and then check the fuse.If there is no fuse for the blower, then you need a professional tech to test it. It could be the blower motor, a relay, a blower resistor, the blower switch or the wiring between any two or more of those components.If the blower motor is out in the open, you could try LIGHTLY tapping on it with the handle of a screwdriver. If the blower starts working right as you do that, then you have a bad blower motor.

Why does no air at all coming out of your vents in your car?

Check the fuse as per the owners manual and if the fuse is o.k, then the blower may be faulty. check the blower then. if both of these are good, the problem is expensive.