The flasher is located under the dash below and to the drivers side of the radio just above a plate. Be careful when playing around under there because there are ways to trigger the air bags if your not careful. Take your time and you'll find it. ..
Its the same thing
as long as its the same year. and model number.
the correct answer is no in general the windshield in any two door cavalier will not fit into a four door cavalier the haight of the roof is much higher in a four door than a two door sorry
the correct answer is no in general the windshield in any two door cavalier will not fit into a four door cavalier the haight of the roof is much higher in a four door than a two door sorry
You can look up this information under the "Specifications" tab for any car at .
Yes.. a 4 door windshield will fit on a 2 door cavy.
The fuse is in the fuse pannel
you need a new flasher for your singal lights.
The turn signal flasher on a 2008 Honda Civic 4 door is located under the dash near the pedals. It controls the flash interval for all turn signal indicators.