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Q: Where do you put transmisssion fluid in an infiniti qx56?
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Where do you put in the transmission fluid I have an automatic 1997 Hyundai accent I have no idea where to put the transmisssion fluid?

I have not done tranny work on this perticular car, BUT, The owners manual will have A picture of the tranny dipstick and location.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It your car needs fluid, there is A problem, It should never be low.

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same place you pull the dipstick have to use a funnel

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I believe that there is no 1998 J30, however, the reservoir is located on the 1997 J30 just behind and to the inside of the battery. At least I hope that is the reservoir, as i just put fluid in it!

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The easiest way, try using a eye dropper to suck it out and put it in a can. You dont wanna keep what you take out. Draining all the fluid would be a waste of money.

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ask professional the way its usally done on most cars is jack up car saftly with jack stands or something unbolt transmisssion oil pan be care not to tilt fluid will dump all over you drain fluid put on new gasket & sealer put pan back on fill with new fluid from under hood wherever filler is located for your car if u want to avoid this next time u can buy an oil pan plug kit so u dont have to take of pan next time just drill a hole install plug follow there directions

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What type oil put in infiniti j30?

10w-30 or 10w-40 oil

Where do you put transmission fluid in a 1979 Monte Carlo?

The fluid goes in where the dipstick for the tranny is, pull the dipstick out and put the fluid into the dipstick tube.

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Is the timing belt on a j30 infinity run the alternator

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Your pour it in the oil fill opening after removing the cap.

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You may need to change the length of the driveshaft, move the crossmember back some, and you may need a switch kit for the lock-up converter.