You can find historical records of the Chief of Police in San Jose, CA in 1949 by contacting the San Jose Police Department's records division or the San Jose City Clerk's office. They should have archived documents or records that can provide you with that information.
The distance between San Jose, CA and San Ramon, CA is approximately 35 miles.
It is about 50 miles from Berkeley to San Jose, Ca.
The distance from San Jose, CA to Roseville, CA is approximately 140 miles.
It is 465 miles from Indio, Ca to San Jose,Ca.
The distance between San Jose, CA and Fairfax, CA is approximately 60 miles.
the mileage from Banning, Ca to San Jose is 422 miles.
The distance between San Jose, CA and Roseville, CA is approximately 120 miles.
Modesto is about 87 miles from San Jose.
It is 54 miles from Richmond to San Jose.
San Jose is 151 miles from Fresno, Ca.
San Jose to Clovis is 153 miles.