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An individual can obtain an ownership slip at the local Department of Motor Vehicles. Ownership slips can be obtained for different types of vehicles.

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Q: Where can one get a ownership slip for a vehicle?
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Related questions

What is a 'pink slip' on car in California?

A pink slip is the common name for a Certificate of Titlein California.Related Information:In California, a Certificate of Title is required in order to transfer ownership of a motor vehicle. An Application for Duplicate Title can be used as an In-process device, but title must be established before ownership can actually be transferred.Copies of a Certificate of Title can not be used to transfer ownership of a motor vehicle in California.

What is the process of having the ownership of a vehicle that was repossed back into the lien holders name?

There is no transfer of ownership - the lie holder was always the one who had ownership of the vehicle.

How do you get a pink slip for a car?

A "pink slip" or also known as a "title" can be issued for your vehicle for a fee by your local motor vehicle department provided you have proof of ownership and have all the proper forms filled out.

Where do you get a green slip?

You will need a green slip in Australia if you rent a vehicle or purchase one. A green slip provides twenty four hours and covers all the people who drive the vehicle while it is rented.

How can you remove a boyfriend from your vehicle registration?

You need to take your Vehicle Ownership Certificate (pink slip) to your State Motor Vehicle department. If you are the sole owner, then you can get a new registration issued in your name only. You'll of course have to pay the Registration fee since it's a new one. Make sure you have your license with you - it can get embarassing if you show up without it...

You put a car in your name for your daughter now you want it outof your name?

Fill out another Pink Slip (change of ownership) listing her as owner, you complete release of ownership section. Here's a hint - If you want to purchase a vehicle for your child 18yrs+ but do not want the financial responsibility of let's say tickets, then put yourself on as lien holder only. If vehicle gets towed you can still get the vehicle out of storage, but if a hold is placed on the vehicle you are responsible for holding the vehicle for the specified time period.

Can you cosign for a car if you do not have a license?

Yes. The ability to legally operate a vehicle is not a prerequisite for ownership of one.

What does Racing for pink slips means?

In California, proof of ownership was shown with the 'pink' copy of the vehicle registration. You could sell your car by signing over the pink slip to the new owner. Or you could bet the pink slip on the outcome of a race. It is gambling and not necessarily legal.

What does a pink title mean for a car?

A pink slip for a car is the title. This shows who owns a vehicle. Without a pink slip, you will be unable to register a vehicle.

Is it lawful to buy a vehicle where on the logbook the seller doesn't posses ownership?

No it's not legal. The seller doesn't have legal ownership of the vehicle and as such isn't allowed to sell it

Who gets the vehicle after ending a domestic partnership?

The person whose name the vehicle is registered in retains ownership of the vehicle, unless there is an agreement or court order to the contrary and one partner transfers the registration to the other. If the vehicle is registered to both partners, then they retain joint ownership until such time as the vehicle is sold or transferred. Sale or transfer may be a requirement of an agreement or court order.

How do you remove a co- owners name off the vehicle regisration?

The co-owner must give up ownership of the vehicle, in effect selling it to the other owner. Then the vehicle can be registered under the one name.