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The best resource to find out car prices is at the Kelley Blue Book official website. Other resources such as Auto Trader, car dealerships, and the local classified ads are also good places to find this information.

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Q: Where can one find out car prices?
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Where might one find a website with second hand car prices?

There are a few websites with secondhand car prices. Car Soup is one such site, as is Cars. A local dealership should have a page on the national website where its prices would be listed.

Where can one find car specials for the best price?

You can find good prices on car specials from websites such as Auto Trader. The Auto Trader website allows you to see average car prices for the car you are considering and therefore, you will know if you are overpaying for the car.

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The best places to find prices on car books would be at bookstores. Check out Chapters or Barnes and Nobel. Or look on a site such as Amazon, which sells a wide variety of books.

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One can find cheap car hires in Australia at Expedia. There they can find all the car rental locations near them and compare each locations prices without having to visit each of them.

Where can one find pricing for used 2002 car models?

One can find pricing for used 2002 car models on the 'Motor Trend' website. One can find prices there for many models of car including Lexus, Audi, BMW and Land Rover.

Can you suggest a website that informs you on luxury car prices?

A website that I can suggest to inform you on luxury car prices is any car dealership website. There are many car dealership sites, you just need to find one that have luxury cars.

Where can one go to compare car prices?

One may go into car businesses and ask them directly about their car prices and take note of them, or one can go to Auto123, a car review company, and compare the prices on their website.

Where can one get a list of prices for new and used Honda car batteries?

There are many places to find prices for new and used Honda car batteries. One can visit their local dealership for prices or call for a list of prices for Honda cars. One might also look at their local parts or electronics store for more information.

How can I compare car insurance prices to find the best deal?

You can compare car insurance prices to find the best deal. This is done by going around and talking to different car dealership managers. They will tell you anything you need to know about insurance and car prices.

Where can one find a car safe?

One can easily find a car safe. They are for sale on several online stores. They are sold on websites like eBay, BUYaSafe, and Amazon for prices between $35 to $250.

Which web sites can I visit to find used cars prices?

To find used car prices, you can ask a car salesman or someone else who has a job in cars. Online is not always the best place to find prices unless you want to buy the car online. Even then, you might not get a warranty.

What is the purpose of the website known as Confused in the UK?

The purpose of the website known as Confused in the UK is to allow one to compare the prices of insurance products and find the lowest prices. One can find cheap quotes on car and home insurance from them.