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It is safe to pass only when you are not entering the bridge and there is no oncoming traffic. It you do not have enough time to pass before a bridge wait until after you have crossed the bridge to pass.

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Q: When is it safe to pass another vehicle when approaching a bridge?
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No vehicle shall pass when approaching within 100 feet of any?

Railroad tracks, tunnels, or intersections.

You may pass another vehicle on the right if it is waiting to?

Never. The only time you can pass another vehicle on the right is if there is a lane on that side you can go into to pass it.

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pass over it

When approaching an intersection bridge or railroad crossing you should never drive pass on the left half of the roadway when within?

If you have a double-yellow stripe in the center of the road, then you are not allowed to pass. Same rule applies to a single yellow stripe, or when a solid line is on your side and a dotted line on the other.

How can a car pass another car on a bridge where there is no place to pull over?

One of the cars will have to back up off of the bridge and let the other one pass

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pass another vehicle.

Can you use the shoulder of the road to pass another vehicle?

You can, but you may not!

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What is required of a driver to ensure the safe and legal passing of another vehicle?

Never use the shoulder to pass. Make sure the passing lane is clear of traffic, and check behind and to the left to make sure another car is not attempting to pass. Do not exceed the speed limit when passing. Do not drag race. Only stay in the left lane for as long as is needed to complete the pass. If you run out of time -- a double line or a vehicle is fast approaching -- reduce your speed and pull back in behind the car you were attempting to pass. Try again when safe and permitted.

When Under normal circumstances you should pass another vehicle on which side?

That depends on the country in which you live. Some countries drive on the left, others drive on the right and this will affect which side you pass another vehicle.