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Depending upon what state you live in, they will give you a piece of paper to attach to your license until it expires or they will make you purchase a new one with the same renewal date. For correct information on this you would have to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles in your local county seat.

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Q: When getting married what do they do with the information on your valid drivers license?
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Can you get married with a expired drivers license?

You can get married WITHOUT a driver's license. But you'd probably need a marriage license.

You live in Illinois but am getting married in Georgia where do you get your marriage license from Illinois or Georgia?

When getting married within Illinois, your marriage license needs to be issued by the county you are getting married in. If you're getting married out of state, you need to inquire of that state as to what their license requirements are.

Does getting a marriage license mean you are married in Iowa?

No. Getting married means you are married in Iowa.

Are you legally married without getting a marriage license in California?

No, you are not legally married. A getting the license doesn't complete the process, it must be executed and returned.

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Do you go to the brides or grooms home town for a license?

You get the marriage license in the town you are getting married in.

What is the cost for getting married in a courthouse in Kentucky?

It is about $36.00 to get the marriage license.

Will you need a state marriage license if you are getting married out of the country?

You need a license from the jurisdiction that is performing the marriage. You do not need a state license in addition to that.

If you live in IL but you are getting married in GA can you get your marriage license from IL?

No, you need the license from the location of the ceremony. You will have to apply in Georgia.

Can a 19 year old married woman drive with her licensed 19 year old husband and baby in the car in the state of GA?

Not if she does not have a license. All drivers are required to have a license. If she does have a license, she can drive with them in the car.

Am I married if I receive a marriage license and yet never enter into a lawful marriage.?

IF THAT MARRIAGE LICENSE HAS BEEN SIGNED BY A PREACHER THEN THAT MAKE IT LEGAL AS WELL AS IT MUST BE SENT INTO THE STATE TO BE PUBLIC RECORD. A License gives you permission to get married . a certificate means you have gotten married. I would compare it to a drivers license and actually driving a car. you are not a driver if you have never driven.

If you are getting married in a state you do not live in do you need to get the license in your own state or the state the wedding is being performed?

In the state in which you will get married.