556 miles
As far as i can tell there isn't a Laredo, Mexico. There is However a "Nuevo Laredo" in Mexico, that city is in the Mexican State of Tamaulipas. Nuevo Laredo, is directly across the Rio Grande from Laredo, Texas. on the U.S./Mexico Border.
There is a distance of 2,167 kilometers (1,346 miles) between Greenville, MI and Nuevo Laredo, the closest Mexican city.
Distance from Austin to Mexico City is 750 miles.Source: Time and Date.com Driving distance from Austin Tx to Laredo Tx is 233 miles, 3hours and 35 minutes approx. Driving distance from Nuevo Laredo Mexico to Cexico City is 740 miles, 11 hours approx. So 740+233=973 miles and the approximate time is 14 hours and 35 minutes.
Nuevo Laredo, at the other side of the border from Laredo, TX.
there is no distance because Mexico city is in Mexico!
The straight line distance is about 562 miles (882 kilometers). Driving distance is about 693 miles (1,102 kilometers).
Closest city would be Nuevo Laredo, across Laredo, Texas. Distance is 551 kilometers (343 miles) across a 6-hour, non-stop drive.
The easiest route from Minneapolis to Mexico is to take I-35 from Minneapolis, MN to Laredo, TX and cross the border into Mexico. It will take you about 21.5 hours to drive the 1,408 miles to the border. See related links for a map from Minneapolis to the Mexico border near Laredo, TX. From Laredo, TX to Mexico City, Mexico - TBD.
Mexicans often mean the city of Mexico, DF when they use "Mexico" so I will proceed under that assumption. Since Laredo is the busiest border crossing for cars, I will assume the writer meant Laredo. There is seldom just one answer to a question like this. There are always at least two ways to get anywhere in Mexico. The most common route that fits the question is from Laredo to Mexico City. There are two choices. Laredo to Mexico City via mostly four-lane toll roads is 706 miles. The route is: Monterrey - Saltillo (MEX-57) - San Luis Potosí - Querétaro - Mexico. Drive time is 2.5 days. Laredo to Mexico City via the scenic route of MEX-85 is 752 miles. The route is: Monterrey - Cd. Valles - Pachuca - Mexico. Drive time is 4 days (due to mountainous terrain, two-lane roads, small towns).
The closest point in Mexico from Austin is Nuevo Laredo, on the other side of the border with Laredo, Texas. You would have to drive some 4 hours a distance of 378 kilometers (235 miles).
The driving distance from Mexico City, Mexico to Tequisquiapan, Mexico is about 120 miles.