The average price for a movie ticket in 1982 was $2.94.
The average price for a movie ticket in 1982 was $2.94.
The average price for a home in Plano Texas is $212,000 according to Zillow. This is comparatively high to the average home price in the state of Texas which is $125,000.
The average price for a movie ticket in 1982 was $2.94.
The average price for a rental home in Hawaii is $1200 a night.
According to, average price for a new home: $14,950.00
The average price of a home in 1973 was $35,500.
The average price of a new home in 1940 was 3,920.00 dollars. By 1949, the average price of a new home went up to 7,450.00 dollars.
The average price listing for homes in Savanna is $332,618 and the average median sales price is $155,000. The average home price per square foot is $97.
The average home price in the United States in 1950 was around $7,354. It's important to note that this price is an average and can vary depending on location and many multiple factors. In comparison to today's home prices, this figure may seem significantly less due to factors such as inflation and changes in the housing market over time.
What is the average price of a home near or around Portland, Ore. zip code 97217
In 1982, the US national average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $1.30 - equivalent to about $2.94 per gallon in 2010.