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Google the following: 625 ILCS 5/6‑107 It's the section on the Illinois Graduated Licensing Program

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Q: What ticket will a minor get for driving with too many passengers in the car in Illinois?
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Should you hire an attorney for a careless driving ticket which involved an accident with 4 people with minor whip lash?

Yes, you should.

Can a minor be given a breathalyzer test in the state of Illinois not driving without a parents consent?

If it is a law enforcement officer performing the test, yes. Also, if the minor has a driver's license, they signed that they agree to take breathalyzers. It doesn't matter if they are driving or not, they made a prior agreement.

Can a minor accept a summons in Illinois?

No, a minor cannot accept a summons.

What will happen legally to an 18 year old driving under the influence with a minor in the car?

If the minor is under the age of 16, you can be arrested for this. If the minor is under the influence of alcohol, you can get charged with a supplying to minors ticket eventhough you are not 21. This really depends on the state, but if you are under the influence of marijuana and you have a minor with you-it doesn't make a difference.

What is a MIC ticket?

A ticket for MIC is a Minor in Consumption ticket. In most areas it is punishable by a fine and community service.

Are you able to get out of Minor in Consumption ticket if your blood alcohol level wasn't written on the ticket that was handed to you?


Can a police officer issue a ticket to a minor?


Can the ticket be dismiss if Error on the ticket?

Perhaps, but it isn't likely. Minor errors are just that, minor. If it is a substantial error, completely wrong license or name, it might be thrown out.

Will an in state speeding ticket from Colorado affect your auto insurance?

The speeding ticket will go on your driving record. As to whether or not it will increase your auto insurance rate is really up to your insurance company. Many companies will not increase your rate for one minor violation if you only have one on your record. Many states and insurance companies recognize a ticket at or over 20 mph over the speed limit as a major violation instead of a minor violation.

Can a minor file a police report in illinois?

Yes a minor can file a police report anywhere.

If a 26-year-old has had one speeding ticket in seven years of driving how much will their rates go up?

If it is a minor speeding ticket it is unlikely that you rates will increase fot just one ticket. You might lose a good driver discount if you currently have one. It all depends on your particular insurance company and how often they check your record.

Will 1 ticket raise car insurance?

It depends on many factors. Each insurance company has their own rates. Often times one minor speeding or red light ticket will not cost you any additional premium. If the ticket is for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs that is probably different. If an accident is involved that is a bigger factor as well.