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Q: What states can you get your drivers license in if your drivers license is revoked in Maryland?
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What states can you get your drivers license in if your drivers license is revoked in Illinois?

So long as your suspension is active in Illinois, none.

If your license is revoked in WI can you get an occupational license in Texas?

No. All states share there DMV databases and honor each others drivers license restrictions.

Does Alabama check NY for revoked licenses?

When dealing with drivers license suspensions or revoking there is something called the Interstate Compact. This requires states to report tickets received by motorist to the state where they are applying for a license. They also report suspensions or if a license is revoked.

What happens when your driver's license is revoked in Florida?

If you are revoked in one state you are revoked in ALL states.

Which states drivers license application doesn't ask if your license has been suspended or revoked?

None, they ALL do. Even if they didn't ask, all states share DMV information via an interstate compact, not to mention that you MUST be a legal resident of whatever state you hold a drivers license in.

If you have a revoked license in one of the states in the The Interstate Drivers License Compact can you go to one that is not to get a license?

You can but you will be limited to just that state. If you go back to the state where you have a revoked license it won't matter if your license is valid somewhere else because your in the state where your license is revoked.Added: I believe that ALL the US states and possessions belong to the compact - I also believe that Canada may also be a signatory, but I could be wrong on that.

If you have a revoked drivers license in Illinois can you get one in Arizona?

No. All states honor each other's motor vehicle codes, regulations and court decisions.

What is a provisionals license?

In some states a provisional license is given to new drivers, restricting them to what hours and where they can drive. A form of provisional is also given sometimes to someone who has a revoked license, allowing them to drive for working duties.

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