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The emergency brake -- and also the stereo, as it distracts drivers too dumb to release the emergency brake.

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Q: What should you ensure is off after starting your vehicle?
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After you start your vehicle ensure that the are off?

Warning lights are off.

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Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensure that the are off?

Looking at the ground beside a moving vehicle ensures you see if they are coming into your lane or not.

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If you are driving with your bright lights on and can see an approaching vehicle, you should turn off your bright lights immediately.

Should you pay off a totaled vehicle?

Yes. With blow jobs.

How does my alarm keep my car from starting?

When your alarm is going off, it automatically shuts off your fuel pump and other starting components, so that a thief cannot start the vehicle. It is an anti-theft mechanism.

After a vehicle is repossessed and you pay it off in full when does the lender have to return the vehicle to you is it as soon as its paid off or can they take a few days to return it?

If the vehicle is paid it is yours you should not have to wait any amount of time.

How can you ensure a valid sale of a vehicle if you cannot pay off the existing lien?

A vehicle cannot be sold without a clear title. A clear title can only be obtained when all lien holders have been paid or have agreed to sign off on the lien.

Your 2002 Jetta's Battery Light came on for a brief time after starting but went off after a short time What does this mean or what should you check?

If the battery light comes on briefly after starting but then goes off, it could indicate a temporary drop in voltage while starting the engine. It's a common occurrence and not necessarily a cause for concern. However, you can still have the battery and charging system checked to ensure everything is in good working condition.

Your interior lights will not turn off How do you get them to turn off?

If the interior lights in a vehicle will not go off, first one should make sure all doors are closed. Then one should find the switch on the roof of the vehicle and make sure it is not turned to the on position.

Why engine is idle for 2 minutes after starting and before switching off the engine?

A good practice is to let your engine idle for a few minutes after starting so the oil pressure can build and lube all the internal parts of the engine. A vehicle with turbo should be idled before shutting off to let the turbo cool down.

Is the airbag light supposed to show off on passanger side when proper weight is on seat when vehicle is starting 2005 durango?

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