It should be wet when fishtailing hair.
Turn the steering wheel in the direction you want to vehicle to go.
Keep your foot off the brake and accelerator until your vehicle gains traction again.
In the direction you want the front of the vehicle to go.
drive slower
Fishtailing is typically caused by a spine issue. If your spine is too weak or too stiff, then your arrow will not clear the riser of the bow cleanly (see archers paradox). Fishtailing can also be caused by torquing your grip or other form errors. If your are shooting vanes then fishtailing might be caused by a clearance issue. To address fishtailing, address form issues. If the problem persists, make sure your vanes are clearing your rest cleanly. If you shoot traditional (off the shelf with feathers) then your problem probably isn't clearance. At this point fix your spine. I do this by bareshaft tuning, done out to twenty yards. To confirm that my spine is correct, I shoot through paper, and shoot big fixed blade broadheads. This should address any fishtailing issues.
Amphibious_vehicleAmphibious Vehicle
You should turn into the skid otherwise you risk flipping the car which can be extremely dangerous.
Keep firm pressure on the brake pedal and steer towards where you want to go.
Most people will say the rear, in order to reduce the risk of fishtailing.
Keep your foot out of the brake and gas, steer into the skid. i.e. sliding to the left turn to the left. The vehicle should straighten back out.