honesty- respect- undrestanding- and sence of humor wouldent hurt
The man sold you an expansive car, he is a good salesman
a good car salesman on the west coast at a good dealer should earn between 80k to 120k per year
Depends on how smart a salesman he is.
In most cases, a new car salesman makes about 20Êto 25% of the price of the car. This rate may increase as they advance in sales experience.Ê
If you're horrible: $15-20K/Year If you're good: $80-140K+/Year The average salary for a car salesman is $39,478.
While it varies a lot, typically luxury car salesman make more than other manufacturers. Toyota and Honda salesman make about the same on average and Lexus and Acura salesman do quite a bit better. The cars are more expensive and there's a lot more gross (profit) in each car. Salesman are usually paid a percentage of the profit on each car sold, and although the Acura dealership will sell fewer cars than a Toyota dealership, the Acura salesman should make more. A good quantification would be a Toyota salesman sells 12 Toyotas a month with an average commission of $300 per vehicle. His monthly pay is $3600. The Acura salesman across the street sold only 8 Acuras, but the average commission was $600 per vehicle. He makes $4800 a month. From my experience in the car business, these numbers are probably very accurate
Duties and responsibilities of a car salesman
yes a car salesman needs a license.
make sure that all your customers are satisfied with their car and make sure everything is good.
honesty- respect- undrestanding- and sence of humor wouldent hurt
yes because he is sly and tricky. he is a good talker and can be compared to a used car salesman
"bank" is a good term because it difers by car brand and etc.. etc..