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Vauxhall Astra CA51 WXX

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Q: What make and model is the police car used in hot fuzz?
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Related questions

What is the fuzz?

"The fuzz" is a slang term often used to refer to the police. It has been used in popular culture and among certain groups to describe law enforcement officers.

What does 'la chota' mean in Spanish?

In some Spanish-speaking countries, "la chota" is a slang term used to refer to the police. It is often considered offensive and disrespectful.

What is the present tense of fuzz?

When used as a verb the present tense is:I/You/We/They fuzz.He/She/It fuzzes.

What is a sweater shaver used for?

A sweater shaver is used for shaving the fuzz or dust off your sweater. This helps to make your sweater feel brand new again and help get the dust off.

What model of cars are used in the United Kingdom by the police as patrol cars?

The Panda car is used in the United Kingdom by police as patrol cars. Panda cars are also known as beat or general purpose vehicles, and are often used in community policing roles or involvements as well as general police patrol duties.

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Make a sentence with the word quell?

The police used pepper spray to quell the riot.

What is the effect used for the solo Dani California?

it's a fuzz, and the end it's a fuzz+wah+flanger the whole solo was doubled, except for the wah part because it was too fast to double perfectly, so John ran it through a delay with the delay time set to almost 0. It was also slightly modified to make it sound like another guitar

Name four electronic gizmos that were used by electric guitarists of the 1960s?

fuzz, delay, wah wah, chorus,

Do cane corsos make good police dog's?

I own a Cane Corso named Mudge. They are common used police dogs. Police love them because they do it all sprint, swim, and jump.

What is used for make a model of building?

Probably balsa wood, LEGOs.

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